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The 9 Best Benefits of Dot Sticker Activities for Kids


Why do we love dot sticker activities?

  • They are super colorful
  • Little hands can easily peel them off
  • They make a versatile learning tool
  • Large packs are pretty inexpensive, and you can buy them anywhere

Above all these, playing with dot stickers may help children with a variety of skills!  What catches your eye when you see a sheet of dot stickers? Perhaps it’s the brightest dot sticker on the sheet, or perhaps it’s a unique character. Whatever makes you happy with dot stickers, they are all beneficial in developmental areas. 

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9 Reasons Why EVERY Kid Should Do Dot Sticker Activities:

Neat pincer grasp:

Stickers are an excellent motor powerhouse.  Peeling the sticky small graphics necessitates a precise pincer grasp to lift the edge of a sticker off a sticker sheet.  To hold such a small space, the very tips of the fingers are required.  It might be challenging for some children to hold only the edge of a single sheet of paper. Working with stickers is an excellent approach to hone your pincer grasp for tasks such as picking up little beads, string, or a sewing needle.

Peel stickers of various sizes to practice precise pincer grip. Smaller stickers are harder to remove. Place stickers on strips of masking tape and other surfaces, then peel them off. Then, practice grip by placing the stickers on various surfaces. To encourage an effective wrist posture, place the stickers on paper affixed to a wall.

Bilateral Hand Coordination:

It is a necessary ability for so many practical jobs. Activities requiring bilateral hand coordination include zippering a coat, cutting with scissors, and scribbling. Peeling stickers necessitates the use of both hands, since you must hold the sheet with one hand and peel with the dominant hand. Both hands are working and performing various activities.

Using very huge pieces of paper and very little sheets of paper, use stickers to practice bilateral hand coordination. Show your youngster different ways to hold the sticker sheet.

Spatial Awareness:

Difficulties with spatial awareness can make reading, writing, and doing all daily chores difficult. Children may have poor handwriting or difficulty arranging their bodies in space. Stickers can be used as a visual signal for spatial awareness.

Kids may notice the bright color of the sticker and use it as a visual indication for where to start writing on a paper, how large to form letters, where to stop in the locker corridor, where to put files in a desk, and where to put jackets in the closet.  The possibilities for using stickers in this area are endless!

Place stickers on the left margin of a piece of paper for children who need assistance writing. Stickers can also serve as a guide for text size. Stick stickers on chairs, walls, and floors to create a large-scale labyrinth.  While practicing spatial awareness, children can hop or leap over stickers, travel around them, and touch them.

Sensory Exploration:

Scratch and sniff stickers allow you to experiment with different fragrances. Discover the smooth, puffy, scratchy, and fuzzy textures of stickers.  Stickers are also incredibly motivating for children.  A sticker might be given to a youngster as a reward for touching a messy sensory bin or participating in arduous therapeutic treatment exercises.

Stickers can be used to practice proprioception in the hands. Stickers can be used in a mess-free sensory play activity. Stickers may be used in Occupational Therapy to help children improve a variety of skills such as fine motor, gross motor, visual perception, handedness, and more.


Kids frequently have difficulty determining which hand is whose. When writing, they will swap hands and may put their shoes on the incorrect foot. Use stickers as a visual indication for learning left from right, both on and off their body. A single sticker can be applied to a single shoe to assist a kid in learning to put their shoes on the right foot. To educate a youngster which way is up, place a sticker on the top of their coat.

Place a sticker on the side of the paper that the youngster should hold when learning scissor skills.

Body Awareness:

Toddlers may practice naming their body parts by affixing stickers to their feet and other body parts. Children who struggle with sequencing may have difficulties determining whether a sock or shoe goes on first. Stickers can aid with organization and placement on the body.

Stickers should be placed on the feet, hands, arms, and back.  Request that your youngster touch particular body parts in a specified order.  Improve your speed.  Toddlers can practice naming body parts by attempting to peel off a sticker that has been applied to their wrist while you repeat “wrist.”

Alteration of the two sides of the hand:

Separation of the two sides of the hand is defined by using the thumb side of the hand while bending the pinkie side of the hand in stability. This is required for tripod grasp, in-hand manipulation, gross grasp, and power grip strength.  Work on using stickers by placing one in the child’s hand. They may cover up the sticker by bending the pinkie, ring, and middle fingers down while utilizing the pointer and thumb for fine motor activities.

Place a tiny item, such as a cotton ball, in your hand and pick up stickers with your thumb and pointer finger.  Stack stickers by stacking them on top of one another. Apply a sticker on the tip of a pencil to teach children where to squeeze the pencil when singing a tripod hold.

Hand Strength:

How can something as little as a sticker have an effect on hand strength? Children require power in the little muscles of their hands to draw, use an open web area while holding a pencil, and manage buttons and snaps on clothes. By removing stickers off resistant surfaces, children may strengthen their intrinsic hand muscles.

Place stickers on fabric, such as sofas or carpeting, and instruct your youngster to remove the stickers without ripping them. To lift them up, they will need to employ their intrinsic muscles and distinct hand arches.

Gross Motor Development:

Crossing the midline, leaping, hopping, skipping, and jumping jacks are all gross motor movements that some children find challenging.  When training these areas, use stickers as a visual indication or a barrier.

Stick a sticker on each knee.  Ask your youngster to touch the sticker on their right knee with their left hand and the sticker on their left knee with their right hand.  Stick stickers on the walls as they try to jump up and touch them with their outstretched hands.


Literacy, organization, sequencing, problem solving, self-esteem, language development, arithmetic, creativity, sense of achievement, stress reduction, goal setting, and socialization.

So, get your youngster interested in sticker collecting to help them with all of their developmental needs. You’ll also be able to relive your childhood with scratch-and-sniff, fuzzy, holographic, and puffy stickers!


Dot Sticker Art Coloring Book for kids ages 2+: Numbers, Shapes, Sea Animals

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11 amazing benefits of puzzles for all ages


You can engage in puzzle-solving as a single or shared family activity. Crosswords, cryptograms, jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, or any other problem you enjoy solving has some great advantages.

There are benefits to puzzles for everyone, not just children or the elderly (including YOU). Find out more about the various advantages of solving puzzles.

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Table of Contents

Children development

Children’s growth can be greatly aided by puzzles. Children will benefit from all the other factors stated here, but because they are still growing, they receive a little extra assistance.

Children who play with blocks, puzzles, and form games can develop their spatial skills faster than those who don’t. Children will be more prepared for math, science, and technology the stronger (and earlier) their spatial skills are developed.

Children who play with puzzles can also improve their organization, patience, and focus more quickly than kids who don’t. Children will gain from having these talents in every area of their lives.

Last but not least, children can improve their hand-eye coordination and fine motor abilities by completing physical puzzles. Putting a puzzle or block activity together involves utilizing the hands, especially the thumb and forefinger, to manage the pieces.

Make sure you choose a puzzle that is appropriate for the child. If it’s too simple, the kid will get bored and won’t be pushed. If it’s too difficult, the child will become discouraged and possibly give up. Make careful to up the complexity as the kid gets older (and gets better at puzzles)!

Delay, reduce or avoid diseas

It’s unlikely that solving puzzles will stop the onset of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or other illnesses. However, they could delay the start and/or minimize the severity.

Although there is little but growing data on the health advantages of puzzles, recent studies show that:

  • Use of word puzzles is inversely correlated with cognitive function.
  • There is a close association between the frequency of number‐puzzle use and the level of cognitive performance.
  • Cognitive advancements carry on for five years after they begin.
  • The onset of accelerated memory deterioration was postponed by 2.54 years by crossword puzzles.

Increase vocabulary

There are numerous methods to utilize puzzles to expand or improve your vocabulary. You may learn new words and broaden your vocabulary while also finding fresh applications for words you already know by solving puzzles. In addition, solving puzzles can aid in language learning.

Lower stres and imprive mood

Puzzle solving can significantly improve your mood by increasing dopamine production in your brain. Dopamine is frequently emitted when your brain anticipates (or experiences) a reward, which is why it’s known as the “feel good” neurotransmitter.

Every time you get a tiny tingle of “got it,” dopamine is released. You will experience a small dopamine rush when performing a word search. Sudoku? whenever you enter a number. You’ll always feel dopamine after solving a puzzle.

You’ll feel calm (less stressed) and joyful thanks to all the dopamine released when solving problems (improve mood).

Brain exercises

Puzzles are a terrific method to exercise your brain, which needs workout just like your body does.

You may have heard that your brain has a left and a right side. Your thinking side, the left side of your brain, is where logic, reason, and analytics are used. Your creative side, which employs imagination, intuition, and insights, is on the right side of your brain.

Given that they all require (at least some) logic to solve, all riddles will work the left side. Some puzzles will also exercise your right brain (such as jigsaw puzzles).

Improve memory

Is it just me, or do the benefits of puzzles seem to be mostly cognitive in nature? Here’s another one: solving puzzles can help you remember things longer.

All puzzles will aid in short-term memory improvement. For instance, to remember what you’re looking for when completing a jigsaw puzzle, you’ll need your short-term memory (shape, size, color, etc). Word searches are another instance, in which you use your short-term memory to recall a few words and search for them.

Long-term memory can benefit greatly from some puzzles. Cryptic crossword puzzles are the best because they require you to apply your prior information, which is the ideal puzzle for improving your long-term memory.

Increase concentration and productivity

Puzzles demand focus, organization, and attention to detail. Spending some time (or more time) concentrating on a problem can improve your capacity to focus on other tasks.

You are more productive when you are concentrated. Take pleasure in a puzzle and benefit from it in other areas of your life.

Improve problem solving

Essentially, puzzles are merely unsolvable issues. Your ability to solve problems will get stronger the more you use it. Solving puzzles is a lot of work!

You must develop (and employ) hypotheses, follow and modify plans, identify and fix mistakes, and change your course if something isn’t working in order to solve puzzles. Strong problem-solving in puzzles and in life requires all of these!

Improve spatial reasoning

Your capacity to visualize objects in three dimensions and reach logical conclusions is referred to as spatial thinking (even with limited information). Spatial reasoning is crucial because it enables you to comprehend, work with, and alter data and objects. Your life can be made better in many ways by having superior spatial reasoning, like becoming a better driver and packing more effectively.

Because they frequently demand you to consider how objects (such puzzle pieces and words) fit into other objects, puzzles can aid in the improvement of your spatial reasoning. These abilities help you in many facets of your life!

Improve attention to details

You can develop your attention to detail by solving puzzles. Numerous facets of life can benefit from keen attention to detail (work, driving, etc).

Finding the right piece at the right place while putting together a jigsaw puzzle takes keen attention to detail. Another type of puzzle that you might search through to find the answers to is a word or number search puzzle.

Improve IQ

Who doesn’t want to know more? You will get wiser as a result of adding up some of the other advantages of puzzles mentioned above (better memory, vocabulary, problem-solving, reasoning, etc.).

The use of memory games and puzzles to slightly raise IQ levels is showing promising outcomes in research on memory problems.

What are you waiting for? There are a ton of advantages to solving puzzles now that you are aware of them. Start taking advantage of puzzles right away!

Our puzzle books to discover


Halloween Brain Workouts: Fun Memory Training Workbook for Adults

Brain work various puzzles for seniors in French


Sudoku puzzles book for kids ages 4-7, very easy and easy levels

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12 benefits of activity books for kids


Let’s discover the most known benefits of activity books.

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An activity book is a particular kind of book that is typically written for children and includes interactive features including games, puzzles, quizzes, coloring pages, and other things that require writing or drawing in the actual book. The story of the book and other non-interactive components may or may not be loosely organized around the interactive components. Activity books may be produced for fun, education, or a combination of the two.

Even though books are great for igniting the imagination, kids need more than that. Children’s activity books are perfect for giving kids experiences other than reading, which is crucial to their future academic success.

Table of Contents


These are 12 benefits of activity books

1. Enhance Concentration

Kids’ activity books, which offer basic yet amusing exercises to keep kids interested for long enough to assist lengthen the period for which they can focus on one thing, can help. Children find it difficult to sit still and concentrate at the best of times.

2. Excellent technique to recognize colors, shapes…

Activity books for kids are another excellent technique to help kids practice their color, shape, number, and letter awareness. Additionally, they can teach or review word construction as well as fundamental addition and subtraction.

3. Fine motor skills

Correctly holding pens, pencils, crayons, and scissors requires practice, which continues through the primary years. Completing book activities is one of the most enjoyable methods for youngsters to get that important practice; they help kids develop stronger hand and finger muscles and better pen control.

4. Hand-eye coordination

Activity books that instruct kids to use a specific method just in a certain region, such coloring in an image, can promote kids’ hand-eye coordination. One of the simplest instances of this is when kids learn to color inside the lines rather than scribbling aimlessly.

5. A feeling of accomplishment

It’s crucial for kids to feel joy and success when they finish an activity, like connecting the dots to create an image. Instilling confidence in children can help them face the difficulties of school, sport, and home in a positive way. When kids believe they can succeed, they are more likely to do so.

6. Having fun while learning

The most frequent complaint from kids is that their schooling is dull. Children learn without even realizing it by engaging in enjoyable activities that help them hone their skills without feeling under pressure.

7. Expression of Self

Activity books inspire kids to draw, write, think, and feel on paper and are participatory.

8. Spending time with the children

We can become so engrossed in the fast-paced digital world that we forget to take a seat and simply talk with our children. Using activity books with your child is a terrific way to interact with them.

9. A Little Bit of Everything

In the form of an activity book, you can find information on practically any subject, including simple art, arithmetic, reading, and writing abilities, etiquette and social skills, foreign languages, and more. You can buy them already made or make your own using worksheets that are available for free download.

10. Pass the Time (without technology)

Activities pages and basic markers, pencils, and pens provide hours of amusement. There is something calming and guilt-free about pulling up tried-and-true workbooks as a busy mom.

11. Reduced Screen Time

Children watch screens passively for 4 hours each day, according to studies. On days when the weather prevents them from venturing outside, that amount nearly doubles. When you encourage your child to open an activity book, they will not only be much more involved and focused than they would be if they spent the day staring at a lifeless screen, but they will also feel much more fulfilled. Additionally, students will develop the abilities necessary for success in both school and in life.

12. Increased Reading and Enhanced Comprehension Techniques

Reading need not be monotonous. In fact, by encouraging your kids to read with engaging activity books, you’ll be aiding in the development of both strong reading habits and attention abilities in them. Children can practice a variety of literacy and critical thinking skills while learning to read with the aid of activity books. As toddlers figure out the various stages to finish an activity, their comprehension skills inevitably advance.

Our activity books to discover

Coloring books


A Fun Easter Coloring Book, A Great gift of activity for kids from simple to complicate images of cute eggs, bunnies and chickens: For kids from 2 to 6 and includes 31 pages, colorable cover

Spot the difference


Spot the Difference Activity Book: A Large Print Search and Find Picture Puzzle Book – Fun Brain Games for Kids, Teens, Adults and Seniors

Multi activities

Halloween Brain Workouts: Fun Memory Training Workbook


Animal ABC Alphabet Tracing & Coloring Book: Letter Tracing Book for Preschoolers Handwriting Practice for Kids Ages 3-5, 200 large size pages 8.5×11″

Dot Sticker Art Coloring Book for kids ages 2+: Numbers, Shapes, Sea Animals


Reading log books


My Daily Reading Log for Kids, a Reading Journal, a Gift for Young Reading Lovers, an Activity Book with 100 Logs, Size 8x10inch: Kids Reading Log & Journal

Sudoku puzzles book for kids ages 4-7, very easy and easy levels


Check out our articles about activity books!

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Coloring books


Children no longer use coloring books exclusively. The popularity of adult coloring books has increased recently. There are several advantages to coloring in your spare time, whether you currently own a coloring book or are considering purchasing one.

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Table of Contents

7 benefits of coloring books

1. Calms the Mind and Boosts Cognitive Function

A excellent approach to calm your mind and relax your brain is to color in a coloring book. When coloring, your attention is on the straightforward task at hand. This starts to calm your mind and prevent intrusive ideas. ‌

Additionally, coloring can enhance brain function. Different areas of your cerebral hemispheres are stimulated while you color. Your creativity is triggered when you decide which colors to employ. Your intellect is also triggered as you color forms and shapes.

2. Promotes a state of meditation

Adult coloring can be soothing for some people, but it shouldn’t take the place of art therapy. According to some research, concentrating on the intricate design of your coloring sheet might aid in lulling your mind into a state of meditation.

When you give up worrying about the past or the future and solely concentrate on the now, you enter a meditative state. Coloring allows you to concentrate on a single action while stopping your inner dialogue and clearing your mind of unfavorable ideas and feelings. The more you meditate while coloring, the better you’ll get at it.

3. Enhances Motor Skills

You must develop your hand-eye coordination and motor skills in order to color more intricate images with smaller coloring areas; these abilities are not used when you are simply scrolling through your electronics. The following pursuits, according to some medical professionals, not only exercise the body’s muscles but also postpone the onset of dementia.
Coloring, Crossword puzzles, Brainteasers

4. Enhances Sleep

You’ll probably sleep better if you color before going to bed rather than scrolling through your phone. By preventing your body from naturally releasing melatonin, exposure to blue light from your phone or tablet can reduce the quality of your sleep. Instead of using gadgets before bed, try coloring in a book. This will allow your melatonin levels to gradually rise as your body prepares for sleep.

5. Enhances Focus

Adult coloring books might also help you concentrate better. Your frontal lobe is activated when you color, which indicates your brain is organizing and solving problems. You can unwind from the day and concentrate on one thing during routine coloring sessions.

6. Eases Stress

Adults’ anxiety levels can be lowered by coloring, according to studies. A good approach to lower your heart rate and reduce anxiety is to color for at least 20 minutes. According to the study, coloring more complex patterns like mandalas rather than a plaid pattern or a blank page was more successful. ‌

Additional advantages of coloring that reduce anxiety include:
mood elevation
an increase in mindfulness
reduced stress on the mind

If you require assistance with your anxiety, stress, or other mental health issues beyond merely coloring, you can speak with an art therapist or creative practitioner. ‌

More than only your mind can unwind and perform better when you color. Additionally, your body benefits. Your level of anxiety is lowered because to the stress alleviation provided by coloring. It’s possible that your chance of: is reduced when you release tension and stress from your body.
Body pains
sleeping issues

While coloring won’t make your melancholy or anxiety go away, it can lessen the tension and anxiety that can cause depression. If coloring is something you like to do, you should do it frequently. ‌

7. Stress Relief

Stress reduction is one important advantage of coloring for adults. Coloring is a repetitive task that demands focus on specifics. You may not be paying attention to other things that may have stressed you out during the day when you are preoccupied with coloring.

Adult coloring books can bring back memories of your youth and help you unwind at the beginning or end of the day. You may be able to unwind by thinking back to a time when things were normally less stressful.

There is no reason why you shouldn’t try coloring, whether you do it for leisure or to unwind. Coloring is not just for kids. Take your focus off the issue the next time you’re feeling stressed out and start coloring.

Our coloring books to discover


Easy Hello Autumn/ Fall Coloring Book for Kids/ Children: Cute Designed Pages

Easy Simple Hello Autumn Coloring Book/ Fall Designed Pages for Adults & Seniors


A Fun Easter Coloring Book, A Great gift of activity for kids from simple to complicate images of cute eggs, bunnies and chickens: For kids from 2 to 6 and includes 31 pages, colorable cover

Animal ABC Alphabet Tracing & Coloring Book: Letter Tracing Book for Preschoolers Handwriting Practice for Kids Ages 3-5, 99 large size activity pages 8.5×11

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Reading journals


Are you an avid reader? Do you simply prefer staying home on the weekends and reading a book in your favorite chair? Maybe you’re in a book club too. If the response to both questions is “yes” then we have one question for you: how can you even survive without a reading journal?

A great technique to evaluate the book you’re reading is to keep a reading log. You can use it to jot down reflections on the chapters that particularly spoke to you or to store memorable quotes.

A reading log is essential when participating in a book club session. To be honest, we forget the majority of the thoughts and feelings that are racing through our heads when we read. This is why it’s a good idea to write them down in your diary and have them available whenever you want to share your ideas with the group.

If you’d prefer not to keep a paper journal, you can always use Goodreads, where you may post your own reviews, make plans for future reading, and read those of others.

keeping all the quotations you think are significant and helpful in one location;
keeping a record of every book you read for easy access;
You are consistently prepared for the book club meeting.

The ideal audience for this website is readers;
Book club members and quote enthusiasts.

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Our reading journals to discover

All are in paperback


My Daily Reading Log for Kids, a Reading Journal, a Gift for Young Reading Lovers, an Activity Book with 100 Logs, Size 8x10inch: Kids Reading Log & Journal