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3 top benefits of journaling


Journaling has been around for a while; it first appeared in ancient China when Ma Dubo recorded his travels to Mount Tai to make an emperor-related ritualistic offering. This gives us a better understanding of how journaling can be significant historically since it reveals the day-to-day realities of people in various time periods and regions of the world.

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In the words of Nataly Goldberg: “It doesn’t matter if you’re journaling or using writing as a kind of meditation. The relationship you have with your intellect is what matters.”

This clarifies the second query we raised earlier: all kinds of personal journals are beneficial to you, provided you take the time to reflect on and explore within.

Science has something to say about the enormous benefits of journaling for our general well-being, not just the romanticized phrases of famous authors.

In a nutshell, research has shown that journaling can be very helpful for persons with any psychological diseases (ADHD, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, psychosis, PTSD, etc.), as keeping track of thoughts and conditions and possibly developing regular routines promote self-reflection.

Journaling, according to psychologist and researcher James Pennebaker, can boost our immune systems by serving as a stress-reduction technique. Pennebaker asserts that it lessens the negative effects of stimuli on our T-lymphocyte cells (a fancy name for white blood cells, or immune system cells). Additionally, research demonstrates that writing engages our left brain hemisphere, which is our analytical center, while also encouraging our right brain’s creative side to just feel.

You might be wondering why you shouldn’t just eat your beans and salad, go for a run, and stop journaling if it’s all about your health.

Here is a brief overview of the benefits of journaling that science can provide:

Mental health: Journaling can help you better understand yourself and let go of daily tension and confusion;
Clarification of the mind and emotions: due to our hectic schedules, we occasionally need to take a few minutes to sit down and write everything out;
Keeping a journal is a great way to reduce stress since it makes you feel more at ease and organized, which strengthens your immune system.

What do you think—is it simpler to solve problems in your head or on paper? You can use many journal formats to help you with a variety of life issues.

Perhaps you ought to be aware of the fact that many psychotherapists from various schools of thought use journaling with their patients. This sort of therapy is known as journal therapy. It’s unnecessary to explain why after what we’ve just said.

Check out our journals in each category to find one or more for you and your beloved ones!